
Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Gerald loves deviled eggs but his heart-saving diet warns against eating them.  This week Kroger has eggs on sale for 79 cents per dozen;  it would be a shame not to have a treat.  Les asked, "Where did the term "deviled" start?"

The first known reference of using "deviled" to describe food was in 1786 but by the 19th century the term was regularly used when referring to zesty or spicy food.  Deviled eggs are also known as stuffed eggs, salad eggs, dressed eggs, and mimosa eggs.

Over the years I have sometimes added ingredients to deviled eggs to "spice them up" but usually just stick with Mother's tried--and--true recipe:  eggs, Miracle Whip, salt, and pepper.  My brother Bode liked his deviled eggs very SOUR and Mother would add mustard and vinegar for his palate. I sprinkle paprika over half the eggs on the plate just because that's the way Mother did it and besides, it looks pretty!

I have friends and acquaintances who use mayonnaise, pickles, pickle relish, tartar sauce, olives, pimentos, Worcestershire sauce, cayenne pepper, turmeric, cilantro, and other additives;  everyone thinks that THEIR eggs are the best!

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