
Thursday, February 11, 2010

CRINGE, additions

"ALLS I HAVE TO SAY" instead of "All that I have to say" (heard on TV last night!)

"YOUINS" instead of "you ones", I guess. I didn't even know how to spell--or misspell--it! Youuns, you-uns, yuhns!

1 comment:

Sue's News said...

FROM MY BROTHER NORMAN: "Youuns is Ohio speak for y'all. When the southerners would say y'all, I would ask if they were speaking to me or to everybody there."

FROM MY NEPHEW ALLEN: "I think youins is in place of "youse guys". Wait--wrong state-my bad-fuhgeddaboutit!"

FROM MY FRIEND JENNY: "Someone I know says "kill my sold" instead of "kills my soul"; another says "get back wit cha" instead of "get back with you."