
Wednesday, September 6, 2017


My best friend called.  

"What were you doing?"
"Wrestling With His Angel."
"Oh, yeah, that new book about Lincoln."
"I liked his last one too."
"What's he trying to do;  be the Robert Caro of Lincoln?"
"Now THAT was really good!
"I have a good line now and then."

There's no need to identify who said WHAT to WHOM because we typically read the same kind of books, finish each other's sentences, and somewhere in the conversation, she will ask, "What new thing did you learn today?" because years ago, I condescendingly told someone that I learn something new every day, and she has never let me forget it!

"So, what new thing did you learn today?"
"That CAVEATING  is a word."
"I was listening to Meet The Press and one of the pundits said 'caveating' and I screaked at Les, but when I looked online it IS acceptable!"

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