
Friday, June 7, 2013


Yesterday, a friend asked, "Do you believe that walk--that sauntering?", referring to a mutual acquaintance's exaggerated gait! I laughed and said, "Slew foot! My mother would always say that her sister walked slew-footed and it's when people have their feet at a 45-degree angle!"

I have not heard, or used that term in years, but every time I would see someone with that kind of walk, I would think to myself "Slew foot."

Definition of SLEW FOOT: having big, clumsy, feet. or turned-out feet. Also written SLUE FOOT.

I enjoy the frames of references from other people; for example:

In talking to a sports-minded brother, he said, "Oh, that's a foul in hockey where a player uses his feet to trip an opposing player from behind."

In talking to my friend who is the all-time expert on Broadway and Hollywood musicals, she said, "Oh, yes, don't you remember that dance Slew Foot from Daddy Longlegs with Fred Astaire and Leslie Caron?" (see clip)

Another brother said, "I saw someone walking slew-footed last week."

A sister-in-law (originally from the South) said that "Slew Foot" is another term for the Devil as in "You better watch out for old Slew Foot!" I had never heard that. She explained that the Devil has no toes, only hooves.

Looking on Google, I had forgotten that Slue Foot Sue was the girlfriend of Pecos Bill! No, I am NOT slew-footed! (see picture)

Hear Porter Waggoner's song Ole Slew Foot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My mother used to say Slew Foot! I haven't heard it in years, but I can see in my mind's eye exactly how a slew-footed person walks! ML