
Monday, October 1, 2012


This is my 1,000th posting for Sue's News.

The reason I started the blog is because my nephew asked me to relate some "family stories" to tell his children because the grandparents were deceased. After I began the BLOG, another person asked me to write a column for an internet newspaper; I continued with Sue's News; that lasted for a short period. Another friend published some of my material on his website.

Having my articles be available on Google has been a blessing and a curse; I have had a two-year battle with a man who absolutely detests a group of which I'm a member and although I have written only twice about the organization, the man has left numerous negative comments which I deleted; I now ignore them.

On the positive side, because of my article about Richie Havens, his brother, Donald Havens, from Brooklyn, is now a reader and a friend. He saw the article on Google.

Just recently, I had a comment from Eric about an article I wrote in 2010 about his brother Kevin; the article was about an incident in 1973! He saw the article on Google. (CLICK HERE to see article HITCHHIKERS)

I get lots of comments--and corrections--from family members!

A friend asked, "WHERE do you get all your ideas?" Another friend, whenever we speak on the phone, always asks, "What did you learn NEW today?", because I've always said that I learn something new every day! That's my answer to the first friend--I learn something new every day--so I have something to write about every day!

Now, what the Hell am I going to write about for tomorrow?

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