
Wednesday, February 17, 2016


In yesterday's BLOG article, I mentioned Mrs. Craig, my late teacher of Latin.  There were only four students in the Latin III class and we had to choose which Latin poet to translate.  I thought it highly amusing--and rebellious--to choose OVID! That choice was emphatically vetoed.  Instead, I was stuck with Virgil or Cicero.  I am glad Mrs. Craig refused to allow the study of Ovid and consequently, I have had a lifelong love of Cicero.

MARCUS TULLIUS CICERO is considered by most historians to be Rome's greatest politician.  Cicero was a philosopher, lawyer, politician, political theorist, orator, Consul, and constitutionalist.  As John Adams wrote:  "All ages have not produced a greater statesman and philosopher combined."  Although he was a political manipulator, Cicero was still an idealist and true patriot.  

When Mrs. Craig died, I used a Latin quote on the sympathy card accompanying the flowers I sent.  Her daughter told me how much she appreciated it and she was sure that her mother would have enjoyed my remembering my Latin.

From Cicero:  "Brevis a natura nobis vita data est;  at memoria bene redditae vitae est sempterna." ("The life given to use by nature is short;  but the memory of a well-spent life is eternal.")

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OVID, for crying out loud? ML