
Monday, February 4, 2013


Years ago, a friend asked me to help her with her housework as she was feeling overwhelmed. I folded her laundry and then I noticed she took the pile and refolded the towels. I asked her why and she said she didn't fold them that way. I asked, "What does it matter?" She said, "That's the way they SHOULD be folded."

I'm rather OCD-afflicted myself and should NOT have been judgmental of her, but I was miffed and said, "If that's the kind of thing that's important to you, you'll end up in the looney bin!" She attempted a lame apology and since I don't believe in apologies, I said, "I'll see you later" and left, piqued. As I was leaving, she said, "But I want you to COOK!"

Later on, the woman did experience what used to be called "a mental breakdown" (what is it called now?). Of course, it wasn't caused by that incident, but when she told me about her problem, she laughed and said, "You told me I'd end up in the looney bin!"

Recently, another friend told me about re-folding towels; I was so glad it wasn't about my folding!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I fold mine to fit the space I have for them--so, I do the tri-fold. I know I'm not the "looney" friend--in this instance! ML