
Sunday, May 4, 2014


The question of a Facebook friend was: "Who is running against Bender?" [FYI: David Bender is running against Steven Eckstein in the Republican Primary for Juvenile Court Judge in Fayette County.]

The first person who replied gave an incorrect answer which was promptly corrected. Please see the thread. I redacted the names of all the posters except for mine (for clarity of the exchange, I left initials for the others).

The 4th person who posted made a snarky comment about Mr. Eckstein running for Judge as well as running for a position on the Republican Central Committee. The poster ended her post with a cliché: "does he want to have his cake and eat it too?" (Since the poster seems to like clichés, and just to be a smart aleck, I thought about posting "what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander", but I didn't because I thought I should maintain decorum.)

The 4th poster is an elected official and obviously should know the rules of the political party affiliation. I provided factual information and quizzed the poster about whether the poster believed that all elected officials should be allowed to hold both positions or whether it was just Mr. Eckstein the poster was criticizing.

I dislike it when people don't answer the question put before them but instead try to change the subject. You will notice that the poster never did answer whether the poster believed it should be the same rule for all officials or just for Mr. Eckstein. I sensed that the poster was a supporter of Bender, but I didn't question that because I didn't care as I could not vote for either one. I merely supplied correct information.

After "beating around the bush" (another cliché for the poster) and posting several times, the poster retreated by writing, "If you would like to discuss this any further I would be happy to, but not on social media...I prefer to do things in person." What a cop-out--after posting a snarky comment and dodging direct questions--I doubt if the poster liked my answer that her comment was "illogical" when she was using the "social media"! There was no further comment from that poster.

It is surprising that an elected official would not know the rules, regulations, and structure of the political party to which the poster belongs.

After all this, the person who started the thread posted that she just wanted to know WHO was running against Mr. Bender because she wanted to work against him.

If you are as old as I, you will remember Sammy Davis, Jr. performing the old Vaudeville bit Here Come De Judge on Rowan And Martin's Laugh-In.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good thing I'm a Democrat! ML