
Sunday, May 6, 2018


Years ago, I arrived promptly for my 11:00 AM appointment at the gynecologist's office. At the time I was working second shift and had to be to work at 3:00 PM. The waiting area had several people seated. At 11:30 AM I asked one of the other women what was the time of  her appointment and she said, 9:00.

 I exclaimed, "You've been waiting two hours--WHY--did you find out what was wrong?" I went to the desk and asked what the problem was and the receptionist informed me that DOCTOR was delivering a baby at the hospital and would be at the office as soon as she finished. [I hate it when the staff of doctors say "DOCTOR" instead of "the doctor"] I said, "So, when were you going to tell us?" She answered, cavalierly, "You should know that problems happen." I responded angrily, "Well, YOU should know that MY time is just as important as THE doctor's and YOU should have told ME about the situation when I signed in so that I could make the decision of what I wanted to do with MY time." I continued, "Why would you think that I would want to wait around in a doctor's waiting room when I could be doing something IMPORTANT?"

She looked stunned that I would even complain.

I continued my tirade by telling her that I would be charged if I missed an appointment and I thought that the women who'd been waiting since 9:00 should be compensated for their valuable time.

I left, went home, called another gynecologist and made an appointment.

That's when I made my decision to interview doctors.

When I met my new doctor, she sat down and started by telling me her "philosophy" about dealing with patients. I listened and said, in what I considered a droll tone, "As for myself, I'm a follower of Kierkegaard." She looked embarrassed and answered, "Was I condescending?" I said, "A wee bit." I then took out my 3 x 5 cards and began telling her my expectations. I began by telling her that I would never waste her time and that I would be prepared ahead of time to discuss any problems I might have. She told me that she'd never had a patient so well-prepared. She asked if she could keep the cards. They are still in my file at her office.

She and I had a great relationship in the intervening years; we would often reference our first meeting.  

I am so sorry that she died in January.

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