
Thursday, January 19, 2012


Recently I awoke with a swollen area below my eye. Within a day it looked inflamed and I began to wear sunglasses. Unbelievably, I do not own a pair of sunglasses, but Gerald, who has an obsession with sunglasses, has a rack in the laundry room to hold his collection. I took the first pair on there and they were gigantic and I began wearing them.

After the swelling progressed to my cheekbone, I went to see our Nurse Practitioners (as we do not have an Urgent Care).

It was 7:00 PM and I was sitting in the waiting room and I was trying my best to look like Jacqueline Kennedy in my big, dark sunglasses. The room was crowded and there was an annoying child romping around and he kept looking at me. In his loud, irritating voice I heard him ask his mommy, "Is she blind?" When it was my turn to go into the examination room, I began clinging to the wall, "feeling" my way to the door!

The receptionist, who was holding the door for me to enter, asked, "Sue, are you feeling faint?" I told her about the brat. She told me that I am terrible. Hell, we already knew THAT, didn't we?

Well, the lovely nurse diagnosed a stye, gave me a shot, a prescription for salve, and a recommendation to use hot compresses.

I thought that styes were only at the eyelids but learned they can be anywhere!

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