
Wednesday, November 1, 2017


My nephew wrote that he couldn't believe that I had posted "OMG!" on Facebook.  I responded, "Yes, I am understated, but yet a woman of the twenty-first century."  

I am somewhat embarrassed to admit that I not only have used "LOL" and "ROFLMAO" but also know the meanings, but I shan't use the cyber-slang again, as my "peeps" obviously expect better from me.  (Forgive the "peeps" but I couldn't resist the slang.)

I did wonder the origin of some of those internet terms.  I was pleasantly surprised to read about OMG:


The first known use of the abbreviation "OMG" was found in a letter to Winston Churchill, written in 1917.

The first recorded use of the abbreviation "OMG", which stands for "oh my god," "oh my gosh" or "oh my goodness," was from a letter written in 1917 by Lord Fisher to Winston Churchill. In the letter, Lord Fisher jokingly refers to a new order of knights signified by the letters "O.M.G" (Oh! My God!). Many decades later, the abbreviation became a part of textspeak -- the common abbreviations used by people who are communicating-- via text messaging or through social media.

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