
Saturday, July 27, 2013


Recently, I learned that Rush Limbaugh thinks it is acceptable for him to use an "N" (ni..a) word [CLICK HERE for article] because Trayvon Martin's friend who testified at the travesty (known as the Zimmerman trial), used the word in her testimony.

Rush's embracing the word reminded me of my Granny Cox.

I've written before about Granny Cox, and not favorably. For starters, after a tornado destroyed our home, we were forced to go to stay with her, and because my mother refused to let her whip me, she kicked us out! That was a pretty defining moment for me.

Later, Granny was "saved" and as Mother would say, "That's when the hypocritin' began." I said, "Mother, I don't think hypocrite takes a gerund form", but to this day, my brothers and I say "hypocriting"!

After her transformation into a "Christian", Granny would supposedly no longer swear! It was always amusing just how often she had an excuse to "quote" people and thus be able to actually say "forbidden" words. When Mother would ask Granny how she could be using those words after being "saved", Granny would say that she had to quote people correctly! (WTH? WTF? as Facebookers use!)

To paraphrase the old saw: "Hypocrisy makes strange bedfellows." Rush and Granny would have been comfortable in their Hypocrisy Bed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So pleased to know that you also have bigots in your woodpile! ML