
Sunday, May 2, 2010


I was at the post office yesterday. I asked if there were any new stamps available. Linda held up the Movie Cowboys and seeing Roy Rogers, I had to begin "Happy Trails," didn't I? There were two other women there with Linda and me and they started singing along with me!

As my husband says, being in my family is like being in a Hollywood musical as we sing for no apparent reason. I was elated to have peope join in! The next example Linda showed was Naval heroes so I had to sing "Anchors Aweigh," didn't I?

The next sheet was purple pansies with Love written on them. I had to sing "Love is A Many Splendored Thing," didn't I?

Linda held up the last sheet and said, "I don't know what this is." I looked at the sheet and asked, "Isn't that Jackson Pollock?" Linda said she didn't know who Jackson Pollock was. I told her he was an American abstract artist. Linda asked, "THAT's art?"

1 comment:

Mona Lisa said...

I like Rauschenberg!